Corporate Governance

A good corporate governance and a values-driven culture help us to optimise the efficiency of our processes and integrate ethics, the environment and social issues in our strategic decisions and our way of working.

The governance of Clas Ohlson is based upon Swedish legislation, primarily the Companies Act, Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule Book and the Swedish Corporate Governance Code. All business activities are to be conducted in accordance with the applicable legislation of the countries in which we operate.

"We make use of procedures and processes that allow us to continuously monitor our targets and risks in order to ensure a high level of corporate governance. We set strategies and plans with the aim of minimising operational, financial and legal risks, while capitalising on and developing opportunities.

Our corporate governance is based on international standards of business practice. We support the UN Global Compact’s ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Our policies, guidelines and ways of building relationships with our stakeholders reflect our commitment."

- Kenneth Bengtsson, Chairman of the Board.

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